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Pop-up Innovation Centre Moves to Wadebridge to Support Businesses

7 December 2022

A new centre is set to open in Wadebridge on Thursday 5th January 2023 and will provide fully-funded support for Cornish businesses.

The Pop-Up Innovation Centre, delivered by Acceleration Through Innovation 2 (ATI2), offers local businesses the complimentary use of its meeting and event rooms, hot desks, 3D printing, a photography studio (including green screen, lightbox and lighting), as well as access to business support from accredited innovation advisors and specialist consultants.

The Pop-Up Innovation Centre forms part of the outreach services offered by ATI2, a business support programme led by the University of Plymouth and part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Cornwall Council.

To celebrate its opening, ATI2 will host a launch event on Tuesday 17th January at the new centre, located at 19 Molesworth Street, Wadebridge, PL27 7DD; it invites small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who are seeking facilities and innovation expertise to support their business aspirations.

“I’m looking forward to hosting businesses in Wadebridge and the surrounding areas, and I encourage any budding start-ups, their owners and team members to drop by the Pop-Up to connect, discover the facilities on offer and engage with the programme, to learn how we can work together to support their ambitions for 2023”, says Pop-up Centre Coordinator, Paul Miles Rogers.

Businesses are also able to make an appointment to speak to ATI2’s Business Innovation Advisors, who are certified Innovation Practitioners and accredited by the world-renowned Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (IKE).

Jo Hancock, Programme Manager at ATI2, explains: “This will be our 5th and final Pop-Up of ATI2. Over the last five years, including both the ATI1 and ATI2 programmes, Wadebridge will be the 13th centre from which we have supported hundreds of businesses and built up a wealth of knowledge about how we can help them innovate and grow throughout Cornwall, and beyond. Each town we have visited has been different and every community has had different needs. The Pop-Up is a place for businesses to seek face-to-face advice, to hot desk, use our 3D printers or book a meeting room – these are just some of the many services the Pop-Up provides.”

The Pop-Up will be open for a period of three months after relocating from St Austell where businesses frequently connected and engaged with ATI2 through their regular events, innovation workshops and walk-ins.

ATI2 supports SMEs who are looking to bring new products, services or processes to market and introduce new innovations to their business resulting in increased growth, productivity and sustainable change.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Pop-up Innovation Centre or accessing the support from the programme, visit to register your interest, reserve your complimentary place at their launch event or email Paul Miles Rogers at for more details.

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