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What is the Knowledge Base?

18 September 2020

Although led by The University of Plymouth, the Acceleration Through Innovation programme has access to a wealth of knowledge through our contacts with the academic institutions across the region. To ensure the best route for your innovation journey, ATI’s Innovation Champion has links to a wide spectrum of research; whether it is working with academics, researchers or students. This approach enables those we work with the ability to tap into the latest research and collaboratively work with more than one academic institution if it serves the needs of the business.
Through regular meetings with representatives from the County’s academic institutions, ATI’s Innovation Champion has developed clear links between establishments which enable a unique two-way pathway; both feeding into the research currently happening and gathering information around the latest research that can aid the growth of the SME’s we engage.

As a lead partner, The University of Plymouth is committed to supporting business Innovation across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Through the project we have built links and relationships between the business community and the University which in turn, serve to enhance the education of future generations and develop the region.
Through the Cornwall Innovation Centres, the University fully understands the challenges facing businesses in the region; this resource seeks to support and build on the relationships that have developed through these facilities.

Looking forward…
The knowledge resource bank will continue to grow and act as a vital source of information on topics to help you with your innovation journey. Focusing on key issues facing the region, topics will include data protection, cyber security and key changes to government legislation.
ATI’s Innovation Champion will continue to provide updates on the key facilities and research areas which business can utilise and participate in as part of the Acceleration Through Innovation Project.

Over the coming months we will detail each of the academic institutions involvement in the project, this will include projects we are currently working on with:

Cornwall College Group
Truro and Penwith College
Falmouth University
Exeter University

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